dca_interface  6.3.4
Linux: Getting started with samples
See also


You need set up the following before you can build the samples:

  • gcc,
  • 3rd party libraries
  • extend the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the folder dca/bin/linux

See also Chapter: Requirements for using the SCA on Linux.

Compiling Samples

After preparation you can build the samples by using make and gcc e.g.:

$> cd ~/dca/samples/generic_samples/getversionsample
$> make

make will call gcc that will create the binary


Running Samples

All samples support the following command line parameters:

Syntax: sample <dca-install-dir> <ticket> <product> [sample-specific]


This is the installation folder of the SCA, e.g.:


This is the ticket as shown on the SDK Download homepage e.g.:


This is the product key associated with your ticket as shown on the SDK Download homepage e.g.:


Additionally to the common command line parameters, some samples need additional parameters e.g. where to find test files.

Refer to the specific sample description for further details.

To start the already built getversionsample supply the parameters e.g.:

$> export binary="~/dca/samples/generic_samples/getversionsample/getversionsample"
$> export dca_install_dir="~/dca"
$> export myticket="DCXX-1234...."
$> export myproduct="AB"
$> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/dca/bin/linux:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
$> $binary "$dca_install_dir" "$myticket" "$myproduct" || echo $?

The sample writes the log file:


The dca_info.log shows details on what's happening inside of the SCA.


The log file is being reused by restarting the sample. All newer log lines will be appended.