The ZLA Classifier (Zero Level Analysis) is a very fast managed Spam classifier. The ZLA Classification classifies an email according to Spam, Ham or NDR (Non-Delivery Report).
To use the ZLA classification functions, the ZLA Classification Package must first be initialized. To do this, create an instance of the dca::ZlaClassification module using dca::ZlaClassification::create().
Once the ZLA Classification module has been initialized, a dca::ZlaClassifier object must be created. Use dca::ZlaClassification::createClassifier() to create a ZLA Classifier.
The ZlaClassifier class classifies dca::Email objects. To create an Email object from a raw email data string, use dca::Email::create(). Note that the email data must be compatible to RFC 2822.
To classify an Email object, use dca::ZlaClassifier::classify(). This function analyzes the Email object and returns the results of a classification in a dca::ZlaClassificationResult object.
The ZLA Classifier is an out-of-the-box solution for fast Spam filtering. The Classifier is managed by IBM, and receives regular content updates to maintain a high detection rate. To keep the classifier up-to-date, we recommend an update and schedule interval of 5 minutes at the most.
The following code demonstrates the classification of an email.