Contains example programs showing how to use the Web Application Classification (WAC).
They show how to:
- connect to a local WAC database
- enumerate applications, actions and tags
- classify URLs with the WAC
See also:
- file: dca/samples/wac_samples/readme.txt - for newest updates on WAC samples
Samples Main Documentation: Samples
Wac Samples
- This sample demonstrates how to update an existing local WAC database, and downloads a complete database if necessary.
- This sample shows how to enumerate all WAC applications, actions and tags and how to print them to stdout.
- This sample takes input URLs given by a text file and does first a URL classification. If the URL classification states the URL is WAC related, a subsequent WAC classification is called.
- All results are printed out to std::out.
- Note
- Requires a local URL database.
- See also
- url_samples