dca_interface  6.3.4
1 /* IBM Source Code */
2 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2012 */
3 /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */
4 /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */
67 #include <string>
68 #include <vector>
69 #include <iostream>
70 #include <fstream>
71 #include <cstdlib>
72 #include <ctime>
74 #ifdef WIN32
75 # include <winsock2.h>
76 #endif
78 #include "dca/dca_base.h"
80 #include "dca/dca_callbacks.h"
82 using namespace dca;
84 const std::string S_ToolName = "urldbsample_remote";
85 const std::string S_ToolVersion = "1.3";
87 std::string G_Locale = "en_US"; // Default locale
88 LogLevel G_LogLevel = LOG_Notice; // Default log level
94 const std::string S_UsageString =
95 "<dca-redist-folder> <ticket> <product> <encryption-data> <encryption-key> "
96 "<url-list-file> [<locale>] [<log-level>]\n"
97  " dca-redist-folder - the folder where the DCA is installed to\n"
98  " ticket - a valid ticket\n"
99  " product - the product associated with your ticket\n"
100  " hex-encryption-data - the encryption data (as hex string) included in "
101 "your license\n"
102  " encryption-key - the encryption key included in your license\n"
103  " url-list-file - file that includes the URLs to classify\n"
104  " locale - optional locale for the categories names, default = en_US\n"
105  " log-level - optional log-level, default = 3 (LOG_Notice)\n\n"
106  ;
112 #ifdef WIN32
113 # define DCA_BINDIR "bin/Win32"
114 #else
115 # define DCA_BINDIR "bin/linux"
116 #endif
122 #define DCA_INITDIR "init"
127 #define DCA_LOGDIR "./logs"
139 static void SetupInitData( const std::string& redist_folder,
140  InitData& initData )
141 {
142  initData.binDir = redist_folder + DCA_BINDIR;
143  initData.initDir = redist_folder + DCA_INITDIR;
144  initData.logDir = DCA_LOGDIR;
145 }
158 static bool StartupLibraries()
159 {
160 #ifdef WIN32
161  // Windows needs an extra socket-startup for this process to work
162  // correctly with e.g. IP(v6) input IP addresses
163  WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );
164  WSADATA wsaData;
165  int err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
166  if ( err != 0 ) {
167  std::cout << "Error on WSAStartup (" << err << ") occured, aborting" <<
168  std::endl;
169  return false;
170  }
171 #endif
173  // init the 3rd party libraries
174  InitCUrl();
176  return true;
177 }
185 static void ShutdownLibraries()
186 {
187  // deinit the 3rd party libraries
189  DeinitCUrl();
191 #ifdef WIN32
192  // Cleanup Windows sockets for this process
193  WSACleanup();
194 #endif
195 }
206 static void SetupLicense( const std::string& ticket, const std::string& product,
207  LicenseData& licenseData )
208 {
209  licenseData.ticket = ticket;
210  licenseData.product = product;
211 }
222 static bool SetupConnectionData( const std::string& encData,
223  const std::string& encKey, DbConnectionData& cData )
224 {
225  const int iEncKey = atoi( encKey.c_str() );
227  if( iEncKey <= 0 )
228  return false;
230  cData.useLocalDatabase = false;
231  cData.dbType = DBT_Url;
232  cData.remoteServerData.encryptionData = encData;
233  cData.remoteServerData.encryptionKey = iEncKey;
235  return true;
236 }
246 static void PrintResults( const CategoriesInfo& catinfos,
247  const UrlClassificationResults& cats )
248 {
249  const DCA_SIZE_TYPE numOfCats = cats.size();
251  if( numOfCats == 0 ) {
252  std::cout << " No categories found." << std::endl;
253  return;
254  }
256  const Categories myCategories = catinfos.getCategories();
258  for( DCA_INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < numOfCats; ++i ) {
259  const UrlClassificationResult result = cats[ i ];
260  const Category myCategory = myCategories.byId( result );
261  const std::string catname = myCategory.name( G_Locale );
263  if( myCategory != NullCategory ) {
264  std::cout << " " << (i+1) << ".\t Category '" << catname <<
265  "' (id=" << myCategory.id() <<
266  ", groupid=" << myCategory.groupId() <<
267  ")" << std::endl;
268  }
269  }
270 }
276 static void PrintToolHeader()
277 {
278  std::cout << "IBM DCA Sample: " << S_ToolName << " (" << S_ToolVersion
279  << ")" << std::endl;
280 }
286 static void PrintUsage()
287 {
288  std::cout << " usage:" << std::endl;
289  std::cout << S_UsageString << std::endl;
290 }
298 static void PrintDbConnectionInfo( const DbConnection& aDbConnection )
299 {
300  DatabaseInformation databaseInformation =
301  aDbConnection.getDatabaseInformation();
303  std::cout << "URL Database Version: " << databaseInformation.versionString
304  << " as of " << databaseInformation.creationDateUTC << std::endl;
305 }
312 static void PrintLicenseInfo( const License& aLicense )
313 {
314  const time_t expirationDate = aLicense.getExpirationDate();
315  struct tm *expirationTime = localtime( &expirationDate );
317  std::cout << "License Info:" << std::endl;
318  std::cout << " DCA is " << ( aLicense.isLicensed() ? "licensed." :
319  "not licensed." ) << std::endl;
320  std::cout << " MaxUsers:" << aLicense.getMaxUsers() <<
321  std::endl;
322  std::cout << " MaxSessions:" << aLicense.getMaxSessions() <<
323  std::endl;
324  std::cout << " Ticket:" << aLicense.getTicket() <<
325  std::endl;
326  std::cout << " Session:" << aLicense.getSession() <<
327  std::endl;
328  std::cout << " Last Message:" << aLicense.getLastMessage() <<
329  std::endl;
330  std::cout << " Expiration Date:" << asctime( expirationTime ) <<
331  std::endl;
332 }
341 static void LoadUrlFile( const std::string& fileName,
342  std::vector<std::string>& urlList )
343 {
344  std::ifstream fstream( fileName.c_str(), std::ios::in );
345  if (!fstream.is_open()) return;
347  std::string line;
349  while ( std::getline(fstream, line) )
350  {
351  if( !line.empty() && line[line.length()-1] == '\r')
352  line.erase( line.length() - 1 );
354  if( !line.empty() )
355  urlList.push_back( line );
356  }
357 }
378 void TestUrlClassification( const std::string& aUrlListFile,
379  const DcaInstance& myDca, const UrlDbClassifier& myUrlDbClassifier,
380  const CategoriesInfo& myCategoriesInfo )
381 {
382  size_t urlsRequested = 0;
383  size_t unknownUrls = 0;
384  size_t uncategerizedUrls = 0;
385  size_t categoriesFound = 0;
387  std::cout << "Entering URL db classification routine..." << std::endl;
389  UrlClassificationResults myUrlClassificationResults;
391  std::vector<std::string> myUrlList;
392  LoadUrlFile( aUrlListFile, myUrlList );
394  for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator U = myUrlList.begin(),
395  UEnd = myUrlList.end(); U != UEnd; ++U ) {
397  const std::string& myUrlString = *U;
399  std::cout << " Starting URL db classification for URL '" <<
400  myUrlString << "'" << std::endl;
402  // setup a URL for given string
403  const Url myUrl = Url::create( myDca, myUrlString );
405  ++urlsRequested;
407  // start the classification
408  FunctionResult myFR =
409  myUrlDbClassifier.classify( myUrl, myUrlClassificationResults );
410  if( !myFR ) {
411  // error occured.
412  std::cerr << " Error from URL db classification. Details: " <<
413  myFR.getDescription() << " (" << myFR.getReturnCode() <<
414  "). Continuing with next URL." << std::endl;
415  continue;
416  }
418  if( myUrlClassificationResults.isUnknownUrl() ) {
419  // the URL is not known in the database
420  std::cout << " Results: URL '" << myUrlString <<
421  "' is not known in the database. " << std::endl;
422  std::cout << " Continuing with next URL." << std::endl;
423  ++unknownUrls;
424  continue;
425  }
427  if( !myUrlClassificationResults.isCategorized() ) {
428  // the URL is known but does not contains any category. This is
429  // either a white-host or includes only categorized sub-folders.
430  std::cout << " Results: URL '" << myUrlString <<
431  "' is not categorized (but known in database). " << std::endl;
432  std::cout << " Continuing with next URL" << std::endl;
433  ++uncategerizedUrls;
434  continue;
435  }
437  // given URL is known and returned matched categories
438  std::cout << " Classification Results for URL '" << myUrlString <<
439  "'" << std::endl;
440  PrintResults( myCategoriesInfo, myUrlClassificationResults );
441  categoriesFound += myUrlClassificationResults.size();
443  }
445  std::cout << " Total Results: " << std::endl;
446  std::cout << " URLs requested:\t\t" << urlsRequested << std::endl;
447  std::cout << " URLs unknown:\t\t" << unknownUrls << std::endl;
448  std::cout << " URLs not categorized:\t" << uncategerizedUrls <<
449  std::endl;
450  std::cout << " URLs categorized:\t\t" <<
451  ( urlsRequested - unknownUrls - uncategerizedUrls ) << std::endl;
452  std::cout << " Categories found for URLs:\t" << categoriesFound <<
453  std::endl;
455  std::cout << "Leaving URL db classification routine." << std::endl;
456 }
466 std::string HexToString( const std::string& arg )
467 {
468  if( (arg.length()%2) != 0 || arg.find( "0x" ) != 0 ) // not a hex string
469  return arg;
471  const std::string cmd( arg.substr( 2 ) );
472  std::string result;
474  for( std::string::size_type i = 0; i < cmd.length(); i += 2 ) {
475  unsigned char hex[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
476  hex[0] = cmd[i];
477  hex[1] = cmd[i+1];
478  unsigned int x = 0;
479  sscanf( (const char *)hex, "%02X", &x );
480  result += (unsigned char)x;
481  }
482  return result;
483 }
493 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
494 {
495  PrintToolHeader();
497  int rc = 5;
499  try {
500  if( argc < 7 ) {
501  PrintUsage();
502  return 5;
503  }
505  std::string myRedistFolder = argv[ 1 ];
506  const std::string myTicket = argv[ 2 ];
507  const std::string myProduct = argv[ 3 ];
509  // encryption data may be entered in hex format 0xAB02FF....
510  // or as a common string if only ASCII characters are used
511  const std::string myEncData = HexToString( argv[ 4 ] );
513  const std::string myEncKey = argv[ 5 ];
514  const std::string myUrlList = argv[ 6 ];
516  if (argc > 7)
517  {
518  G_Locale = argv[7];
520  if (argc > 8)
521  {
522  G_LogLevel = static_cast<LogLevel>( atoi( argv[8] ) );
523  }
524  }
526  if( myRedistFolder.empty() || myTicket.empty() ||
527  myProduct.empty() || myUrlList.empty() ||
528  myEncData.empty() || myEncKey.empty() ) {
529  PrintUsage();
530  return 5;
531  }
533  // check for trailing fileslash - and add if necessary
534  const char c = myRedistFolder[ myRedistFolder.length() - 1 ];
535  if( c != '/' && c != '\\' )
536  myRedistFolder += "/";
538  // Initialize socket on Windows and 3rd party libraries
539  if( !StartupLibraries() )
540  return 5;
542  {
543  // setup DCA directories
544  InitData myInitData;
545  SetupInitData( myRedistFolder, myInitData );
547  // instantiate DCA API
548  DcaInstance myDca;
549  myDca = DcaInstance::create( myInitData );
551  // setup license data
552  LicenseData myLicenseData;
553  SetupLicense( myTicket, myProduct, myLicenseData );
554  const License myLicense = myDca.createLicense( myLicenseData,
555  ProxySettings(), G_LogLevel );
557  PrintLicenseInfo( myLicense );
559  if( myLicense.isLicensed( UrlClassification::ID ) ) {
560  // setup a signature database connection
561  DbConnectionData myDbConnectionData;
562  if ( !SetupConnectionData( myEncData, myEncKey, myDbConnectionData ) ) {
563  std::cout << "Could not setup remote connection because of wrong encryption data!" << std::endl;
564  rc = 5;
565  }
566  else {
567  const DbConnection myDbConnection =
568  myDca.createDbConnection( myLicense, myDbConnectionData,
569  ProxySettings(), G_LogLevel );
570  PrintDbConnectionInfo( myDbConnection );
572  // initialize the URL classification module and create a URL
573  // db classifier
574  // (statistics and unknown url upload disabled)
575  UrlClassification myUrlClassification =
576  UrlClassification::create( myDca, myLicense );
577  myUrlClassification.setLogLevel( G_LogLevel );
579  UrlDbClassifierOptions myUrlDbClassifierOptions;
580  myUrlDbClassifierOptions.enable_EmbeddedUrlDetection = true;
581  myUrlDbClassifierOptions.detect_EmbeddedUrlsInUrlPath = true;
582  myUrlDbClassifierOptions.enable_Feedback = false;
584  UrlDbClassifier myUrlDbClassifier =
585  myUrlClassification.createDbClassifier( myDbConnection, myUrlDbClassifierOptions );
586  myUrlDbClassifier.setLogLevel( G_LogLevel );
588  // create a categories info for printing out the category names
589  // together with the results per URL
590  const CategoriesInfo myCategoriesInfo =
593  // call URL Classification routine
594  TestUrlClassification( myUrlList, myDca, myUrlDbClassifier,
595  myCategoriesInfo );
597  rc = 0;
598  }
599  }
600  }
601  }
602  catch( const ExDca& ex ) {
603  std::cerr << "DCA Exception occured. Details: " << ex.getDescription()
604  << " (" << ex.getReturnCode() << ")." << std::endl;
605  rc = 10;
606  }
607  catch( const std::exception& s ) {
608  std::cerr << "std::exception occured. Details: " << s.what() << "." <<
609  std::endl;
610  rc = 10;
611  }
612  catch(...) {
613  std::cerr << "Unknown exception caught." << std::endl;
614  rc = 10;
615  }
617  // deinit the 3rd party libraries
618  ShutdownLibraries();
620  return rc;
621 }
The unique ID of the URL classification module.
Is used to create a License object. A license first must be created with DcaInstance::createLicense t...
Definition: base_classes.h:547
Exception class used in the DCA.
Definition: base_classes.h:237
bool isCategorized() const
Returns whether or not the URL matched one or more categories.
LogLevel setLogLevel(LogLevel newLevel)
Sets the logging level for the given class instance. The old value will be returned.
static Url create(const DcaInstance &aDcaInstance, const std::string &urlString)
Standard Url creation function.
Refers to the internal categories info for URL classification.
void InitCUrl()
Initializes libcurl. Do not use any DCA function before initializing libcurl.
std::string initDir
the directory in which the DCA init files are stored
Definition: base_classes.h:266
int getMaxSessions() const
Returns the maximum allowed sessions associated with your ticket/license.
time_t getExpirationDate() const
Returns the expiration date of the license in UTC.
std::string getDescription() const
Returns a description of the error.
Definition of a container class for Category objects.
CategoriesInfo getCategoriesInfo(DCA_CATEGORIES_INFO_TYPE categoryType) const
Returns the DCA internal categories, groups and locales.
DatabaseInformation getDatabaseInformation() const
Returns information about the underlying database.
Contains information about underlying database.
Definition: base_classes.h:834
DCA_RESULT_TYPE getReturnCode() const
Returns the last error code (if any).
FunctionResult classify(const Url &aUrl, UrlClassificationResults &urlResults) const
Performs the URL classification and returns the results.
static void SetupInitData(const std::string &redist_folder, InitData &initData)
Sets up the given initData by substituting the given redist_folder with DCA subdirectories.
std::string creationDateUTC
Definition: base_classes.h:842
LogLevel setLogLevel(LogLevel newLevel)
Sets the logging level for the given class instance. The old value will be returned.
std::string binDir
the directory in which the DCA binary (*.dca) files are stored
Definition: base_classes.h:265
This header includes initialization/deinitialization support functions for the 3rd party libraries us...
unsigned int encryptionKey
The encryption key to be used (provided with your license)
Definition: base_classes.h:779
A container class that allows access to the contained Categories, Groups and Locales.
Sets up options for embedded URL detection and provided Feedback mechanism.
@ LOG_Notice
Write notices / important information to the log file.
Definition: base_classes.h:217
void SetOpenSslCallbacks()
Initializes the required callbacks for OpenSSL when using HTTPS or SSL connections in a multi-threade...
Stores the connection data for a database.
Definition: base_classes.h:815
void UnsetOpenSslCallbacks()
Unsets the openssl callbacks. Do not call any DCA function after you have called this function.
The category id.
int getMaxUsers() const
Returns the maximum allowed users associated with your ticket/license.
void DeinitCUrl()
Deinitializes libcurl. Do not call any DCA function after you have called this function.
bool isUnknownUrl() const
Returns whether a URL is known or unknown. A URL is unknown if it is not contained in the database.
Database connection class for a local or remote database.
Definition: base_classes.h:859
This header includes all header files of the URL Classification Package.
#define DCA_LOGDIR
Relative directory for logfile(s).
Main class for the URL classification.
DCA subdirectory of the DCA initialization data.
bool enable_Feedback
This switches the Feedback feature on or off. This is switched off by default.
DCA_RESULT_TYPE getReturnCode() const
Gets the code of the error.
DCA_CATEGORY_ID_TYPE UrlClassificationResult
The item of an URL classification result is typedef'd as DCA_CATEGORY_ID_TYPE.
Results of an URL classification.
bool detect_EmbeddedUrlsInUrlPath
If set to true, you can specify that embedded URL detection is additionally performed in the path par...
URL database classifier class.
static void PrintToolHeader()
Prints out the name and the version of this sample.
This enum is used in all setLogLevel() functions to change the verbosity level of the classes.
Definition: base_classes.h:212
Use a License to initialize a classification package or a toolbox package.
Definition: base_classes.h:560
Category byId(DCA_CATEGORY_ID_TYPE id) const
Returns the category with the given category id.
If you are using one or more proxy servers set up this structure and use it for e....
Definition: base_classes.h:275
bool isLicensed(DCA_MODULE_ID_TYPE id=0, bool force=false) const
Checks whether the given License is valid for the given module id.
static void PrintLicenseInfo(const License &aLicense)
Prints out the information about the provided License.
std::string ticket
The ticket as provided in the license.
Definition: base_classes.h:548
This header includes all header files of the DCA Base Package.
std::string versionString
Definition: base_classes.h:840
bool useLocalDatabase
Set to true to connect to a local or custom database, set to false to use a remote database.
Definition: base_classes.h:821
Encapsulates the init and deinit of the DCA API.
Definition: base_classes.h:315
Category NullCategory
Defines a constant unassigned Category you can use for checks. if( myCat == NullCategory ) --> myCat ...
std::string product
The product code used with the license.
Definition: base_classes.h:549
const DbType DBT_Url
Used for DbConnection classes for URL classification.
static UrlClassification create(const DcaInstance &aDcaInstance, const License &aLicense)
Creates the URL classification module by using the given DcaInstance and License.
std::string logDir
the directory in which the DCA log file should be created
Definition: base_classes.h:267
static void PrintUsage(const char *name)
Prints out the syntax of the sample.
std::string getLastMessage() const
Returns the last message received from our license server or if none available the last available mes...
Type for index access (used for arrays and collections).
Definition: base_types.h:66
DbType dbType
The type of the database.
Definition: base_classes.h:820
Categories getCategories() const
Returns the contained Categories.
std::string getDescription() const
Returns the description for the error or warning.
Type for size (used for size of array and collections).
Definition: base_types.h:72
std::string name(const std::string &localeString=std::string()) const
Returns the localized (display) name of the category.
DbConnectionRemoteServerData remoteServerData
If you are creating a remote database connection, this structure must be filled out with the encrypti...
Definition: base_classes.h:824
std::string getTicket() const
Returns the ticket of the license as string.
DCA_GROUP_ID_TYPE groupId() const
If the category is associated with a group, this is the group id.
bool enable_EmbeddedUrlDetection
If set to true embedded URL detection will be used in URL classification. This is switched on by defa...
#define DCA_BINDIR
DCA subdirectory of the DCA binaries.
Standard function result.
Definition: base_classes.h:148
std::string getSession() const
Returns the session of the license as string.
Encapsulates a URL object.
Definition: base_url.h:44
UrlDbClassifier createDbClassifier(const DbConnection &aDbConnection, const UrlDbClassifierOptions &options=UrlDbClassifierOptions()) const
Create a URL database classifier. The classifier is created by using the provided database connection...
const std::string S_UsageString
Usage string, displayed if a parameter is missing.
DbConnection createDbConnection(const License &aLicense, const DbConnectionData &dbcData, const ProxySettings &proxySettings=ProxySettings(), LogLevel aLogLevel=LOG_Initial) const
Creates a DbConnection object using the given DbConnectionData.
This structure is used to initialize the DcaInstance.
Definition: base_classes.h:264
Encapsulates a category as defined in the categories XML schema (see Categories XML: Categories).
Definition: base_category.h:26
static DcaInstance create(const InitData &initData)
Creates a DcaInstance, starts up the DCA API and initializes the required main module.
static void SetupLicense(const std::string &ticket, const std::string &product, LicenseData &licenseData)
Sets up the given licenseData by copying the given ticket and product strings.
std::string encryptionData
The encryption data to be used (provided with your license)
Definition: base_classes.h:778
License createLicense(const LicenseData &licData, const ProxySettings &proxySettings=ProxySettings(), LogLevel aLogLevel=LOG_Initial) const
Creates a License object using the given LicenseData.
DCA_SIZE_TYPE size() const
Returns the number of results in the container.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
The main routine.