dca_interface  6.3.4
Requirements for using the SCA on Windows

Supported Compilers

The SCA is available for the following Windows compilers:

32/64 bit Compiler
32Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and up
64 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and up

SCA Linker Libraries

Since the API is provided as static linker libraries, any application that wants to use the SCA must link with them.

Dependent on your license you will receive different SCA packages including different modules of the SCA.

The following list shows all SCA modules and the related linker libraries:

Linker Library Description
libdca.lib Generic library all applications must link with
libdca_url.lib URL Classification
libdca_text.lib Text Classification
libdca_customdb.lib Custom Database Module Toolbox
libdca_ipr.lib IP Reputation
libdca_malware.lib @refmalwareclassification
libdca_wac.lib Web Application Classification (WAC)
libdca_zla.lib Zero Level Analysis Classification (ZLA)

3rd Party Libraries

In order to run SCA applications some 3rd party libraries are required.

Most of them are used internally by the SCA modules and loaded dynamically.

Some libraries are used by basic standard functions of the the SCA (such as update and connection functions). An SCA application must link with these libraries.

The following table shows what libraries and versions are required, where to get the source and whether they must be linked with your application.

The following software packages are required for using the SCA on Windows:

LibraryVersionDLL file(s) HomepageLinkage
libcurl7.21.3 libcurl.dllhttp://curl.haxx.se/libcurl link with:
OpenSSL1.0.0 ssleay32.dll
http://www.openssl.org link with:
ICU56.1 icudt56.dll
http://site.icu-project.orgonly DCA internal
libxml22.7.x libxml2.dllhttp://xmlsoft.org only DCA internal
zlib1.2.5 zlib1.dllhttp://www.zlib.net only DCA internal
Boost Regex1.45 boost_regex-vc90-mt-1_45.dllhttp://www.boost.org only DCA internal

These 3rd party libraries are NOT part of the SCA distribution and must be properly built and installed on your system before you can run any SCA application.

All DLL files are required at runtime.

Make sure that the required 3rd party DLLs reside in a directory which can be found from your application.

See Chapter 3rd Party Libraries - How to build and setup (Windows) for further details

Building Sample Projects

Sample programs and Visual Studio 2008 project files are provided in the directory:

See also
Windows: Getting started with samples

Building Client Applications

You can start your own application by simply copying a sample and add your new code or to start over with a new Project.

The SCA uses internally libcurl and OpenSSL.

These libraries must be initialized by a client application before being used. If your application does not perform this initialization already, you could use the functions provided by the SCA API for this purpose (see also the sources of the provided samples).

To compile your application you will need to set up the Visual Studio Compiler and Linker settings correctly. See Chapter Visual Studio 2008 Compiler and Linker settings for a detailed list of required settings.

System Requirements

The SCA provides IPv6 support for mostly all modules. To enable IPv6 support you will need to make sure the IPv6 protocol driver for your OS is properly installed.

Related documentation

See also
3rd Party Libraries - How to build and setup (Windows)
Initialization of 3rd party libraries
Visual Studio 2008 Compiler and Linker settings
File organization